I am working on a post about the differences between difficult and toxic people that these quotes go along with.
One of the most trying things we have to do in life, is deal with difficult people! Here are some great thoughts and quotes for those trying times.
Quotes and Thoughts

People who have great relationships, especially with their family members, have a hard time understanding those who have difficult relationships with their family. We all see situations through the eyes of our experiences. Some have a broader understanding than others because of their experiences.
Button pushers

It can be difficult with those who know just the “right” thing to say or do to upset us. This quote is new to me, but I have said that my mom installed my buttons that she so masterfully pushes. There are some people who really enjoy pushing those buttons.
Gaining Peace

This is a skill that takes practice, but it is so worth it!
We are not alone

Many times we may feel like we are the only ones with difficult people in our lives. Unfortunately, this is a far bigger problem for most people than is usually talked about. It is rough being put through the wringer because of the choices of someone else.
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Recognizing whose battle it really is

These people are more easily recognized as difficult. You know they are always going to complain or be upset about something. It is a skill to walk away and learn to not take their encounters personally.
People are not one dimensional

Everyone has moments of difficulty, no one is immune. It is part of being human and sometimes we just need to give or be given a little slack. Life is hard and the harder it gets the more difficult we may become.
I think it is especially hard when those who are more laid back have moments of being difficult. We don’t expect it and it may seem bigger and more unsettling than with the person who tends to be difficult more often.
What you think about yourself is more important than what others think about you

Why do we care what others think? Especially those who are bitter and difficult to be around? Being grounded and knowing who you are helps you to keep their opinions in their proper place and out of your head.
I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request

“I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request” a favorite movie line from Pirates of the Caribbean. We can choose to not engage and get into every argument that comes our way. You will feel better if you choose to not say everything you would like to.
Some things to ponder
How important is it to be right? Do you love being right more than the person you are arguing with? Is this argument worth losing a friend over?
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